Following the very public suicide of a University student, New Jersey is looking into a new anti-bullying bill. The suicide in question involves a young man who was attending the Rutgers University and committed suicide by jumping off of a bridge. His roommate had filmed him and another man having intimate contact and posted the video online. New Jersey has since placed much more importance on this bill. The bill that was previously in place didn't require anti-bullying programs in schools instead of requiring them, and citizens and Senators alike don't think it's doing enough. Bullying is getting more and more common, particularly harassment directed at gay students. That was originally what inspired this bill. While not yet officially named, the bill is completely finished. It includes anti-bullying programs to be mandatory--in it, there are requirements for public and private schools or universities. Schools would need to have preventative programs and have a more hands-on way of dealing with bullying incidents.
Yes. Yes, this bill needs to be passed. Without a doubt, with all certainty. I used to think that bullying was sort of an urban myth, something that didn't really happen in my schools. After all, I'd never been seriously bullied. It's sad that that is the opinion so many people, previously including me, have. Bullying truly is a dangerous problem--I've seen firsthand how nasty some of the insults can get. And the fact that so much of recent news-worthy bullying has been directed at gay kids? Heartbreaking. People are people; everyone has the right to be respected. That student's roommate should be severely punished. It's not so much that he filmed it in the first place; that was bad enough, but then he had the gall to go and post it on Youtube??? That is none of his business! This bill can't guarantee the complete elimination of all bullying, but if it prevents even one kid from being harassed, I think that makes it worth passing.
I completely agree with you Sarah, this bill needs to be passed. Bullying is a major problem in schools and though people say things are "being handled" there is not much being done about it. Teachers can watch out for that but who is going to watch out for the kids being bullied out side of school? Nobody should be bullied, especially not because they are different, or "gay". Like you said Sarah, people are people. Why do kids bully others becasue they are different? Are kids going to go around and bully others because they have a freckle on their nose instead of their arm? That's essentually what the kids are doing. It was horrible to learn that the young man's roommate filmed it! How could somebody WATCH another person kill themselves? Then go a post it like it was just a joke? I again agree with you Sarah, the roommate should get punishd, he could have saved the guy, but nope, he decided to film it. I hope the bill does get passed, and hopefuly good can come of the bill.