According to the North Korean minister of armed forces, the Northern military is ready and prepared to wage a 'holy war' against their Southern enemies. The South's military drills--involving live artillery--have been seen in the North as an attempt to 'initiate conflict.' The tension between the two countries has been steadily wound tighter and tighter, following multiple incidents of aggression. Neither side seems willing to compromise. The North reports that Kim Jong Il has stated that N. Korea intends to counter the South's 'intentional drive' to war with some sort of nuclear weapon at any moment neccesary. The South, on the other hand, has vowed to 'punish' North Korea in the occurance of incidents like the shelling of an island within Southern borders. The United States is expected to pressure the North's main ally--China--into laying blame on someone in order to assert it's power and resolve the crisis. Thus far, China has 'urged dialouge' between the two countries.
I have to say, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title of this article was, "Oh, God." I am halfway exasperated and halfway nervous when I hear of the ongoing tension between the North and South Korean nations. Whenever the countries aren't actively and aggressively speaking out against each other, they are pointing fingers at who did what and denying they did this and you did that and no I didn't and yes you did and you're a liar and blah de blah de blah. It's almost like... I don't know... a soap opera where the plot has so many twists and turns that all you have to do to make a storyline is say, "YOU DID IT." On the other hand, this constant, nitpicking quarreling could have huge effects on the rest of the world if the nations follow through on their threats. A "holy war"?! A nuclear holy war?! No! I wasn't even aware that Korea had a national religion to start a holy war around. What would it solve if North Korea decided to bomb the bejezus out of South Korea? Sure, they would have 'won' their 'holy war', but who's the one who dies of radiation poisoning? Hm.... North! I usually get irritated when the U.S feels the need to go into other countries and play cops and robbers, but in this case, with a threat being specified as nuclear coming from the mouth of a very dangerous, very unstable dictator... Aiy. Maybe this would be an exception to my hesitancy to get involved in other countries' business.
I completely agree with you! They are too busy pointing their figures at each other that they cannot actually solve anything! Yes, it is normal for groups of people to not get along, but to act worse than 2-year-olds? Ridiculous! People in general need to get their acts straight. Those who are making decisions are supposed to be ADULTS, not little kids! At this point, our world might be better off if little kids actually were in charge because the adults cannot look past their prideful (and stupid) egos and listen to each other. A war is NEVER "holy". What God says "Okay, if you don't agree, kill each other? It's okay, it's Holy!"?? None that I know of. If North Korea does bomb South Korea, South Korea is not the only ones that are going to suffer. North Korea will get attacked by their own weapon (like you said, radiation poisoning) and the neighboring countries and basically EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world. America does seem like it is playing "babysitter" most of the time, but if we don't stop other countries from blowing other countries to bits, who else will step in? Just because we are different countries, does not mean we can't help out. People are people, no matter looks, ethnic background, religion, race, or gender. Yes, some people are complete jerks, but who are we to play God and decide who 'deserves' to die?