Wednesday, December 22, 2010

9/11 Health Bill Passes Senate

The Senate has unanimously passed a health bill for the first responders on 9/11. After being at a standstill for months, the Democratic party made a deal to satistfy the Republican senators who opposed the bill. Now the bill is required to be passed by the House in order to go into effect. The bill will do so later today.

My first question when I read this was, why now? Why did a bill benefitting emergency personnel who worked at the Trade Towers just NOW get passed? Wasn't that terrorist attack ten years ago? Secondly, what exactly does the bill do--is there really any assistance to make up for what the insurance companies refuse to cover? Thirdly, what on earth is there to oppose in the bill that made it take so long? There is something seriously wrong with this country when courageous heroes like the first responders need federal support--reluctant support, I might add--to take care of the medical conditions they developed when rescuing their fellow Americans. Stupid.

1 comment:

  1. I very much agree with your opinions. September 11th, 2001 was way too long ago to just now be coming up with a health bill to help those victims who have survived with health problems. Of course any legislation can't happen overnight, but it seems this bill should have gone through within a year after the attack happened because like you said,how could there be much of any opposition? This is a bill that will help people who were victim to one of the darkest days in America! I feel for all those people who have had to suffer this ten years afterwards with severe breathing problems and such, and either having to pay huge amounts for care or simply having to suffer through because they simply don't have the money. I can only hope this bill isn't too late for many. Hopefully late is better than never.
