Friday, December 17, 2010

Cops: Store owner kills 3 would-be robbers

An attempted robbery in Houston, Texas resulted in a shoot-out and three deaths. Jewlery store owner Ramon Castillo and his wife Eva were assulted by three robbers, two of whom had been pretending to be potential customers. The robbers tied up Eva and took her to a back room, then attempted to do the same to Ramon. He pulled out a pistol and opened fire at the invaders. The pistol shot killed one of the robbery suspects; Castillo grabbed a shotgun and engaged in a gunfight with the other two, who were also killed. After the shootout Castillo untied Eva, who was, amazingly, unhurt. Homicide investigator M.F Waters reported large numbers of bullet fragment and shotgun shells that made estimating the amount of shots fired a difficult task. Castillo was sent to the hospital to take care of his own battle wounds: shots to the shoulder, abdomen, and legs. It does not appear that Castillo will be charged for the death of the three robbers because it was a clear case of self defense. Says Waters, "[Castillo] was clearly defending his business, clearly defending his wife."
While death in the news is commonplace, very rarely is it that the antagonists are the ones who walk away with the short end of the stick. Or in this case, don't walk away at all. I wish there were more stories like this one; of course, death can always just NOT HAPPEN, but I wish more good people--the ones being attacked or robbed or mugged--would be the ones to walk away in one piece. Instead we hear news stories of the criminal getting away and avoiding the police. Perhaps occasions like this could be brought up when disscussing 2nd Amendment rights?

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